The month of August is the hottest in the Balkans and especially in Greece. Everything shuts down and everyone runs to the beaches to cool off. And yet my dear friend, Lyn Kern, chose to come in August.

No time was wasted! This allowed us to spend time every morning in the Word of God! It was very refreshing. Then we visited friends and helped in the gathering of Ukrainian refugees and local Christians.

Emptied boxes and sorted clothes.

She had fun watching me make jam of my favorite fruit – figs!

And then before we knew it time passed and she had to go home.

  1. September 7, 2022

    Unfortunately, Lyn came home to a very hot California! God bless you both for your servant hearts. Miss you so much, Vula!

  2. September 7, 2022

    Love this update, and the video!!!

  3. September 7, 2022

    Go Lyn Go!

    Are you bringing home some of that fig jam Vula?

  4. September 7, 2022

    Such a sweet time. Praise the LORD

  5. September 8, 2022

    Lyn always goes where she is needed, I remember my time in Greece with Vula, Lyn and several others, there were always people to help, beauty to see, and floating in the Aegean Sea…Memories!

  6. September 8, 2022

    Thank you dear friend and my Sis, time went much too fast but we did good work and celebrated our birthdays together. I do miss our time reading our devotionals and studying the Word.
    Thank you for the time I was there.

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