Psalm 62:5 My soul, wait silently for God alone, for my expectation is from Him.

Hello everyone, this is Irene again. I wanted to tell you about the last part of our travels.

All of us with Sotiri and Bona in Albania


Phil leads the kids in some games in Albania

In mid June we headed up to Albania and met with Sotiri and Bona. For the next few days we worked with them and another local pastor. We shared God’s word, sang some songs, played some games and, as always, had some snacks.

Ukrainian Dignitaries with the Ukrainian Refugees

At the next food distribution for the Ukrainian Refugees, we were again blessed to work with the Pentecostal Church in Katerini. A local TV station was there that day because some Ukrainian dignitaries were interested in seeing the work that is being done for the Ukrainian people. It was another great time of fellowship with them. The Pastor led in some Christian songs in Greek and in turn the Ukrainian people shared a folk song from their country.


Vula working at Steki

We went to Thessaloniki and visited the ministry Steki where we were able to distribute meals to both Greeks and refugees in need. This is another wonderful, ongoing food distribution ministry that we are so blessed to support.


The Care Center in Thessaloniki helps refugees from various countries. They offer a place to come and fellowship, have a sandwich and something to drink. Singles and families can get clothing they need, shower, do some laundry and at the end they receive some groceries to take home. There’s even a room designated for kids to come in and play and be looked after while their parents are there. This is again a wonderful ongoing ministry that we are blessed to support.

A word from Phil:

Hearing the voices of Greece, Ukraine, Roma, Bulgaria, North Macedonia, Albania and America all at once sounds like heaven. The innocence, games, joy and laughter of children are the same everywhere.

We saw the face of need and the blessing of sponsorships. We heard testimonies of lives changed by the Gospel and we experienced the joy of worshiping with new friends.
While living conditions are widely varied, we have learned that they are not as critical as heart conditions. These congregations, these families, these children love the Lord with all their heart, soul, mind and strength and they love one another deeply.
All of the ministry brothers and sisters we’ve met have a heart for the Lord that is humble yet bold. Their compassion and energy is inspiring as the Holy Spirit gives them direction.
For as much as we came hoping to be a blessing and to encourage the churches and ministries here in the Balkans, we have in turn been blessed and encouraged. As Irene and I head home we look forward with expectation to the Lord’s continued steadfast love, mercy, grace and direction. All of us together, through the Macedonian Outreach, are the hands and feet of Jesus.

Pastor Phil

  1. July 5, 2022

    This was wonderful to read!!! So much to celebrate. Miss you all!

  2. July 5, 2022

    Great update; looking forward to my time there.

  3. July 5, 2022

    Thank you for the updates. Loving all you are doing!

  4. July 5, 2022

    It is precious to hear how grateful and joy filled the people are whether serving or receiving. Such a blessing to see families working together for the Lord. Macedonian Outreach is such a gift to all of us too

    The Kramers

  5. July 5, 2022

    Thank you for the update. Blessings to you all. ✨💛

  6. July 5, 2022

    Thank you for the great update and about all that is going on! Miss being there this summer .

  7. July 6, 2022

    Thank you all for what you are doing to help the people in this area. Macedonian Outreach continues to live in the legacy of hope and God’s love for all. Appreciate the update.

  8. July 7, 2022

    Prayers for continued Travel mercies for your trip. What a blessing you all are to all those whose lives you touched with your joy, love for our Lord and them, and provisions for them, as well!

  9. July 8, 2022

    Love reading the updates. May God continue to bless each of you who serve, as well as those you are serving. We miss you Vula!

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