Dear friends and family,
Praise the Lord with us for He has done great things. The following letter is addressed to our Board but in reality includes all of you. All of you that prayed and supported The Macedonian Outreach all these years. All glory to Jesus!
From: Gospodin Kolev
To: The Macedonian Outreach
Subject: Blessed 2021
Dear Board of Macedonian Outreach,
The past year of 2021 was a difficult but blessed one. Many of us have lost loved ones. We limited most of our contacts, we learned not to hug, greet, touch. Now we keep our distance, talk through masks, we don’t see smiles and we only talk with our eyes.
Covid 19 conquered our churches and divided people in a way we never thought possible. Nevertheless, God remained faithful and kept everything under control. For those faithful who sincerely sought His will, the Lord blessed the work of their hands and opened doors for service. The work on the projects in the village of Yastrebovo and the village of Pamukchii has not stopped even for a day.
The village of Yastrebovo is a true oasis of God’s care and love. The children go to school, the families have homes, the parents work. The church is open to every need of the people. And this winter, thanks to Macedonian Outreach, we have the opportunity to help families in need of firewood. Children and young people were actively involved in the preparation of the program on the occasion of Christmas.
In the village of Pamukchii, six houses were built for poor families with children. We have come a long way from the construction of an outdoor drinking water supply system, through the construction of residential buildings, and now we are waiting for electricity for the buildings. Then we will have permits to use the houses and accommodate families in need.
2021 was a year of construction. We built houses, built relationships, and we believe we have built on our trust in God. The kingdom of God is growing. Thank you, Macedonian Outreach, for your trust and financial support in these difficult and uncertain times.
You are always in our prayers!
Gopi and Reni

Yastrebovo houses
Lyn Kern
January 16, 2022
What an uplifting message, thank you Gopi and Reni for your steadfast devotion.
Keith W. Brown
January 17, 2022
Thanks so much for the update, Gopi and Raina!
Gary Wallace
January 17, 2022
Vula, thank you. What a blessing to see how this has developed, to read Gopi’s message and see the new homes!
Melody Murray
January 17, 2022
So Wonderful to see all this progress. I know a tremendous amount of work and prayer has gone into this.
Maria Adams
January 17, 2022
Thanks be to our Heavenly Father for the blessing
that has come to this community.
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