Here we are almost at the end of another year but I did not want it to go by before I had a chance to say a very big THANK YOU. First and foremost to the Lord, The Macedonian Outreach Board, all the volunteers, and all of you who participated in prayer or deed in helping those in need. THANK YOU for another amazing year of serving and glorifying God.

Enjoy the letter below from the Director of our sponsored children in N. Macedonia.


Update on Roma children in Saraj, December 2021

We are extremely grateful and amazed by the wonderful support and care that Macedonian Outreach has for our children and the ministry.

It took some time for us to observe and reflect on the ministry during the pandemic. The food boxes have proven to be the most needed during this difficult time. Meeting and sharing in these risky times brought one thing to our attention: entire families felt the love of the Lord and wanted to know more about Him. It was amazing to see how the children were eager to put the lesson of generosity, which they had seen and learned, into practical acts of lovingkindness. During the food box distributions, more and more children wanted to help and be part of serving all the families in the village. We are so blessed to serve these children and their families. Our prayer is that the Lord, through the children’s love for Him, transforms the hearts of the parents and brings them to Him.

A lot of times, Roma ministry has tremendous challenges. With the love and great devotion that Macedonian Outreach has for our children, all those challenges get easier, because we know that we have a family who prays for us and the Roma children.

Thank you, Macedonian Outreach, for everything that you have done.


Pastor Sokrat

  1. December 20, 2021

    Love those smiles.

  2. December 20, 2021

    Praise God the children are the future of the Church!

  3. December 21, 2021

    Merry Christmas to all! Praises for the gift of Jesus.

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