Romania is within the European Union even though its people may be the poorest within the entire Balkan Peninsula. Through funds donated, The Macedonian Outreach has helped establish the building of a new church and provide support for shelter for homeless youngsters. Geographically, Romania is the largest nation in the Balkans.
Food, Shelter, Clothing within Romania
In Romania, over thirty cities and villages receive food and clothing, including street and homeless children and families.
Goats for Milk, Cheese and Meat in Romania and Bulgaria

Boy with a goat which his family just received
Goats for Milk, Cheese, and Meat
Thus far over 200 goats have been distributed to villages in these two countries.
The cost varies from $50 for a nanny to $75 for a billy goat.
“Goats” – Video
You can help a family in Romania or Bulgaria by buying a goat that will provide them with milk, cheese and meat. Learn more by watching this short video clip.