“Every mountain top is within reach if you just keep climbing.”
— Richard James Molloy

The Outreach provides spiritual guidance through the distribution of Bibles, Christian materials, literature, media, and by assisting churches and Christian workers.

An integral part of our ministry is education, both secular and Christian. The hope of the future for Balkan young people is through education so that they may become useful members of society.

The greatest need met through the Outreach is to supply clothing, shoes, heat and electricity, and food to orphans and others in dire need.

An ongoing service is to help children and adults in desperate or life-threatening situations. In this mission of mercy, The Macedonian Outreach works closely with other organizations and hospitals.
The Macedonian Outreach is a tax-exempt American association under I.R.C. Section 501[c](3), Tax Deductible IRS #68-0429359.
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