North Macedonia
North Macedonia, like Albania, is a country comparatively smaller in area and with fewer people than any other of the Balkan nations. It borders Northern Greece and so it is a day’s drive from The Outreach European Headquarters. Its close proximity has opened the opportunity for many close communications between their Christian leaders and ours.
College Education for Outstanding Students
Since September 2003, The Outreach has awarded scholarships to outstanding students in Bulgaria who graduated from its secondary schools. Currently, four such students are so honored and supported at the Bible University and one at the law school in Sofia.
Four Albanian students have been supported at the Greek Bible Institute near Athens, Greece. The first student graduated in June 2003.
Currently, two students are at American universities and a Macedonian woman at Anatolia College in Thessaloniki, Greece.
Little Friends Pre-school in Shutka


Little Friends Pre-school in Shutka in North Macedonia
Little Friends Pre-school is run by Christians for 23 pre-school Romi children. Shutka is near the capital city of Skopje. Shutka is the most populated Romi city in Europe with a population of over 40,000.
The Macedonian Outreach began full support of 10 children enrolled in the school in September 2003.
Scholarships and/or Financial Assistance

Preschool children during creative art time
Scholarships and/or Financial Assistance for Children and Young People Enrolled in Pre-School Through Higher Education
Aid is given to pre-school children in Bulgaria and North Macedonia, primary education through adult and higher education students in Albania, Bulgaria, Greece, North Macedonia and Serbia.
Funds are provided for school supplies, transportation, lunch and, in some cases, breakfast as well, in the poorer areas.
School facility rental and repair and teacher salaries are provided, in some cases.
It takes $30 per month or $360 a year for every pre-collegiate learner.