Bulgaria is one of the most receptive lands in which The Outreach works, especially among its minority people. These minorities learn that in God’s sight they are equal, that there is neither Bulgarian nor Gypsy but everyone is equal under God’s grace through Jesus Christ. This is where they are being reached through education, including Christian education.
Bibles, Christian Literature, Supplies and Jesus Videos

Armenian Bibles just received in Sofia, Bulgaria
Bibles, Christian Literature and Supplies and Jesus Videos are Shipped or Personally Taken to the Balkans
- Thus far Bibles in 16 languages and the Jesus videos in 13 languages have been distributed throughout the Balkans.
- Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, tracts and other Christian literature are distributed each year.
College Education for Outstanding Students
- Since September 2003, The Outreach has awarded scholarships to outstanding students in Bulgaria who graduated from its secondary schools. Currently, four such students are so honored and supported at the Bible University and one at the law school in Sofia.
- Four Albanian students have been supported at the Greek Bible Institute near Athens, Greece. The first student graduated in June 2003.
- Currently, two students are at American universities and a Macedonian woman at Anatolia College in Thessaloniki, Greece.
Education of Poor, Armenian Refugee Children
The Outreach provides schoolbooks and supplies to the children each summer, since 2003, for their primary and secondary education. Sixty-nine youngsters have been helped thus far.
Feeding/Clothing the Most Destitute in the Balkan Peninsula

Rosemary distributing food
to a poor Bulgarian villager
Feeding and clothing the needy is our largest budget item. More money is spent each year in preparing food and clothing to ship or to deliver first hand.
Food or funds for food are usually sent by mail or by a container. At times, volunteers either take the funds and/or buy the food for distribution. Food or funds for food are provided on a regular basis for distribution or by volunteers at locations chosen prior to their mission trips.
On a weekly basis, clothing/shoes are collected, packed and mailed to the Balkan countries. Periodically, volunteers will take clothing with them and personally distribute them in different Balkan communities. In 2006, over 25 volunteers personally shared in the distribution.
Goats for Milk, Cheese, and Meat in Romania and Bulgaria

Boy with a goat which his family just received
Thus far over 200 goats have been distributed to villages in these two countries.
The cost varies from $50 for a nanny to $75 for a billy goat.
“Goats” – Video
You can help a family in Romania or Bulgaria by buying a goat that will provide them with milk, cheese and meat. Learn more by watching this short video clip.
Heating Provided for Armenian Refugees & Elderly
Heating Provided for Armenian Refugees & Elderly in Sofia and Russe, Bulgaria
- This project is conducted each year from October through April at $25 per household each month.
- During the winter of 2004-05, ninety families were helped.
Scholarships and/or Financial Assistance

Preschool children during creative arts time
Scholarships and/or Financial Assistance for Children and Young People Enrolled in Pre-School Through Higher Education
- Aid is given to pre-school children in Bulgaria and North Macedonia, primary education through adult and higher education students in Albania, Bulgaria, Greece, North Macedonia and Serbia.
- Funds are provided for school supplies, transportation, lunch and, in some cases, breakfast as well, in the poorer areas.
- School facility rental and repair and teacher salaries are provided, in some cases.
It takes $30 per month or $360 a year for every pre-collegiate learner.
Scholarships for Outstanding Romi Children

Teacher with her class
Scholarships for Outstanding Romi Children in Bulgaria from Primary through Secondary School
The Macedonian Outreach currently funds over 150 youngsters at $30 per child each month or $360 annually.
Each scholarship covers the cost of school books, supplies including paper and writing tools, at least one meal. and transportation to and from school [education is not free in the Balkans]