Psalm 62:5 My soul, wait silently for God alone, for my expectation is from Him.

Hello everyone, this is Irene again. I wanted to tell you about the last part of our travels.

All of us with Sotiri and Bona in Albania


Phil leads the kids in some games in Albania

In mid June we headed up to Albania and met with Sotiri and Bona. For the next few days we worked with them and another local pastor. We shared God’s word, sang some songs, played some games and, as always, had some snacks.

Ukrainian Dignitaries with the Ukrainian Refugees

At the next food distribution for the Ukrainian Refugees, we were again blessed to work with the Pentecostal Church in Katerini. A local TV station was there that day because some Ukrainian dignitaries were interested in seeing the work that is being done for the Ukrainian people. It was another great time of fellowship with them. The Pastor led in some Christian songs in Greek and in turn the Ukrainian people shared a folk song from their country.


Vula working at Steki

We went to Thessaloniki and visited the ministry Steki where we were able to distribute meals to both Greeks and refugees in need. This is another wonderful, ongoing food distribution ministry that we are so blessed to support.


The Care Center in Thessaloniki helps refugees from various countries. They offer a place to come and fellowship, have a sandwich and something to drink. Singles and families can get clothing they need, shower, do some laundry and at the end they receive some groceries to take home. There’s even a room designated for kids to come in and play and be looked after while their parents are there. This is again a wonderful ongoing ministry that we are blessed to support.

A word from Phil:

Hearing the voices of Greece, Ukraine, Roma, Bulgaria, North Macedonia, Albania and America all at once sounds like heaven. The innocence, games, joy and laughter of children are the same everywhere.

We saw the face of need and the blessing of sponsorships. We heard testimonies of lives changed by the Gospel and we experienced the joy of worshiping with new friends.
While living conditions are widely varied, we have learned that they are not as critical as heart conditions. These congregations, these families, these children love the Lord with all their heart, soul, mind and strength and they love one another deeply.
All of the ministry brothers and sisters we’ve met have a heart for the Lord that is humble yet bold. Their compassion and energy is inspiring as the Holy Spirit gives them direction.
For as much as we came hoping to be a blessing and to encourage the churches and ministries here in the Balkans, we have in turn been blessed and encouraged. As Irene and I head home we look forward with expectation to the Lord’s continued steadfast love, mercy, grace and direction. All of us together, through the Macedonian Outreach, are the hands and feet of Jesus.

Pastor Phil

Mark 12:31 “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”

Hello everyone!

This is Aunt Vula’s niece Irene again, filling you in on the last couple weeks. It’s been busy but very blessed.

With Gopi and Reni outside The Ministry Center Yastrebovo

Aunt Vula’s niece Christine arrived with her daughter Kendall and we packed up the car and all headed out to Bulgaria to meet with Pastor Gopi and his wife Reni who head up the ministry in Yastrebovo and the surrounding areas.

Children and moms in Pamukchii

We gathered together in the village of Pamukchii where the Macedonian Outreach has funded the construction of 31 wells, the building of a church, and the building of 7 1/2 (of the 14 planned) houses. As a reminder, these are the people who requested that the church building be built BEFORE any houses were built. The remaining houses are in the works. We had a time of dedication and worship in the church, and Phil spoke with the adults in the church while Christine, Kendall and I took the children outside to have a special time with them. Even with the language barrier (Reni our translator was inside translating for Phil), we were able to share some love and fun with the children. Afterward, some of the children wanted to share a song with us. Our hearts were so blessed to see all that God has done here. We’re so thankful to everyone for donating and being a part of blessing these dear families.

The whole group with the children in Yastrobevo after our time together

Vula with the children at the church on Sunday

Later that afternoon, we gathered with the children in Yastrebovo at the Ministry Center. We had a special day with songs, a Bible lesson, a craft, treats and lots of games outside. We had a great time with the children. It was so great to see so many of the children that are sponsored through the MO doing well! The next morning we spoke and shared at the church service and then the children had a Sunday school lesson and craft as well. It was a busy few days but we had such a sweet time with everyone.

At the pastor’s house with his family after our time with the Roma people

That afternoon we loaded everything back on the car and drove 5 hours to Skopje in N. Macedonia to have some time with Pastor Sokrat and his family. They minister unceasingly to the Roma children that live in an impoverished area in the outskirts of Skopje. We had some time connecting with the children the next day in their village, sharing, singing and playing games, and of course passing out wonderful snacks and treats! The children are so sweet and again we were able to see some of the kids that are sponsored through MO.

Some of our new Ukrainian friends

The day after we returned to Greece we were able to do a second give away of groceries and baby needs for the Ukrainian refugees in Katerini. It was wonderful to be a part of this again and so many remembered us from two weeks ago. We’ve made some wonderful new friends.

This is my first Balkans trip to see what MO is involved in with my own eyes. Like many of you, we and our church have supported and heard the stories and testimonies for years, but to see the work in action, to see the faces of the people and children in person, and to meet the wonderful ministry workers in these areas is amazing. My heart is overflowing and my husband Phil and I have been so blessed to meet and hug and get to know these wonderful people, and are so excited to see what the Lord has ahead. Next stop, Albania!

John 13:35 “By this all will know that you are My disciples if you have love for one another.”

Dear friends and family,

Hello, my name is Irene Hagmann and I’m Aunt Vula’s niece. My husband Phil and I are here in Greece with Aunt Vula for two months, and she has asked me to fill you in on the happenings of this past week.

Last Sunday we went to a church in Drama, Greece where the Macedonian Outreach is involved in ministry. Phil brought the message on the topic of love and Aunt Vula and I shared. They had some Ukrainian refugees there as well, so the message was interpreted in both Greek and Ukrainian, and we were able to spend time after the service with these dear people.

This week we were able to meet with the Benjamin Ministry in Katerini, Greece. Their mission is to help children throughout Greece. We (MO) have worked with them for years. During our meeting we were able to check in on some of the children we sponsor. Benjamin has a wonderful team and we are proud to be partnering with them. It is particularly special as Katerini is my mother and Vula’s home town.

We were also able to purchase groceries and other necessities for 20 Ukrainian families with funds that were raised through The Annual Bake Sale Fundraiser.

The following day we joined the local Greek Pentecostal Church where we packaged and distributed the groceries. It was a wonderful time! We were able to sit with the families, hold some babies and share some coffee and goodies. There were some interpreters there but it’s amazing how a smile and a hug and showing the love of Jesus translates into any language.

This Sunday we visited the Roma church in Thessaloniki. Phil gave the message with the children gathered around him. We then were able to pass out some special treats we brought. The children were very happy and we were blessed by the worship and the Spirit of the Lord in this little church.

This is our journey so far. We look forward to what the Lord has for us to see and do in the following days and weeks.

Dear friends and family:

I thank God that once again He has given me the privilege to come back to the Balkans. I arrived in Athens two weeks ago. I was so happy to see some of our partners in the Ministry. The first was my friend Jennifer with whom we have been ministering for at least twenty years. She is a sister from Scotland who has dedicated her life to the Greeks for over 50 years and works through the Evangelical Free Church in Lipasmata, Athens. She is also working among the Albanians in Greece and within Albania. May the Lord bless her and give her strength to continue!

Jennifer and Vula

The next day Sunday, I visited the B’ Evangelical Church in Athens, our partners in Ministry with refugees. They are the first ones to support Ukrainian refugees.

B’ Evangelical Church youth

By God’s providence, the youth of the church were sharing their recent Mission trip’s experience. One of the girls was showing a video of an interview she had made with a young pastor in N. Macedonia. She wanted to know from him how he survived, and still survives, the death of his young wife leaving behind a teenage daughter. I could not believe that she was interviewing the same pastor that we visited and helped over the years. In fact, we helped when she came to St. Luke’s Christian Hospital in Thessaloniki, Greece for treatments. The Lord chose to take her home.

Gopi and Reni

A week ago I came from Athens to the Ministry House in Litochoro, Greece. The place looked great! Our wonderful grounds keeper Benny does an excellent job keeping the place in order. In addition, a sister in Christ came ahead of me and cleaned both houses. Everything was ready to welcome me!

Three days later Gopi and Reni came from Bulgaria to pick up their boxes! It was so good to see them and spend the weekend with them. In the meantime, Benny and I are delivering boxes to others. I thank God that I feel very strong and I am able to keep up with the tasks before me.

Prayer request:

Please be praying for the situation among everyone. I find that people are very discouraged. The economy is dreadful. (I know it is in the U.S. as well). People cannot provide even for their daily needs. Because of the war in the Ukraine the needs are increasing. Gas in Greece is equivalent to $10/gallon. The utilities quadrupled. Unemployment is high!

Having said this, please pray with me that Christians will stay firm in their faith!

In Christ’s love, Vula

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