Hello, family and friends:
I arrived in Athens after a very long but comfortable flight and I am enjoying my visits with friends, relatives and ministry partners.
I thank God that in the midst of darkness His light is shining brightly. Years ago, when Albanian refugees were flooding Greece, over 700,000 of them, The Macedonian Outreach partnered with a small church outside Athens, in serving some of these refugees and we still continue to do that. The pastor today is 96 years strong and still serving. There is also a special lady who dedicates her whole life to the Albanians here and within Albania and that is our dear sister in Christ, Jennifer Jack. She is a missionary from Scotland, the one next to me in the picture and has been serving in Greece for over 25 years. This meeting tonight is at her home which is always full of refugees. Tonight we even had a family from Afghanistan.
Praise God for His work among all types of people and for His promise in Acts 10:34-35: So Peter opened his mouth and said: “Truly I understand that God shows no partiality, but in every nation anyone who fears Him and does what is right is acceptable to Him…..” ESV
In Him, Vula