Dear friends:

Come join us with your masks on and enjoy seeing your friends and make new ones. This fundraiser is a special effort to provide food and heating to the needy in the Balkans.

Thank you, Vula

From: Sokrat Apostolovski
Date: March 1, 2021 at 7:43:33 AM PST
To: Vula Rushdoony
Subject: Report on Christmas season 2021

Dear Vula,

I hope that you are well and that you are being safe.

Here is some update of what is going on with the children and their families.

Winter is the most difficult for Roma people in our community, especially for the children’s needs. After the holiday season ends, it is extremely difficult for parents to find day jobs and bring home some income. During the pandemic, the most needed thing is food and staying safe at home. For that, we are extremely grateful to Macedonian Outreach for being the Christmas miracle all of us were praying for. We were able to distribute food Boxes with all the necessities that they will need. Having food available protects the children from the pandemic and keeps them safe at home.

But this was not the Christmas miracle that the children were hoping and expecting for. One tradition we have for Christmas is to give a Christmas bag that is filled with candy, chocolate and other delightful snacks. Since these children come from very poor families, their parents cannot afford it. But thanks to the love of Macedonian Outreach for these children, we gave to all the children in the village a Christmas bag. The excitement and joy of the children is indescribable. This is the best gift that they have received in the entire year. Some of the children brought us drawing as appreciation for the gifts and to show us how much this means to them. For us maybe Christmas bags are nothing but for them it is their entire Christmas season.

We have attached some photos, so you can see the joy and excitement of the children.

We would like to thank once again to Macedonian Outreach for the wonderful support that they had provided these children. You have reached out and changed our lives for His Glory. May God Bless you and the amazing work that you do for Him.


Pastor Sokrat Apostolovski
Evangelical Church – Volkovo
Roma Network coordinator in
R. North Macedonia

Dear friends and family:

I thought I would share with you some pictures that filled my heart with so much joy. I prayed for a long time for the people in the village of Pamukchii, Bulgaria, who live in chicken coops. I prayed for them to be able to have housing and get out of the chicken coops. The first thing they wanted, however, before a house was a church.

Praise God they now have a church! Here are some pictures. With COVID they have not been able to have services but Today (1/24/2021) is the day. They are having their first service in the new building.


From Gopi

The first house in Pamukchii

This is the family of our brother in Christ, Sasho who, for more than twenty years, has been gathering a small community of believers in the village of Pamukchii. He lives with his wife in extremely poor conditions – a small room, built by him with materials at hand. There is no electricity nor drinking water. A few years ago Macedonian Outreach dug a well and the family uses this to drink and water the small vegetable garden.

We are very happy that this wonderful Christian family will have the opportunity to live in a real house with much better conditions. There is drinking water in the house and we expect the construction of a substation for the supply of electricity. This is a great blessing and mercy from our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you, Macedonian Outreach, for your support and faithfulness all these years. Thank you for not giving up, despite the difficulties.

What a praise that the first house is occupied now by the shepherd of this small flock, Pastor Sasho. Brothers and sisters from the surrounding area furnished the house.

Dear family and friends:

One of the very first persons we met at the beginning of the Ministry was Pavle, his beautiful wife Suzana and their little boy David. Soon after the Lord gave them a little angel Ana. Since then they have become our partners in the work of the Lord in N. Macedonia. Please read and enjoy their Christmas gift to us as we share it with all of you.

Have a Blessed Christmas!

Dear friends,

We want to wish you Merry Christmas, and a happy and blessed New Year. And we have a gift for you.

Suzana: I was inspired to write the words for this song by Ana, our daughter. Her joy during Christmas is immeasurable. She loves the music that surrounds Christmas. Although because of her disability her understanding of the meaning of Christmas is limited, her joy is not. There is no Christmas for Ana if there is no music. A good friend wrote the music and sang the words. I hope you enjoy the song as much as she does.

Merry Christmas and a happy New year.

Kostadinov family

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