This is Vula’s niece Christine Aardema. When Auntie Vula arrived this year, my husband Dean, daughter Kendall and I were all waiting for her. We hardly wasted any time before heading to Bulgaria to see our people in the villages there. In the two years it had been since my family had been to Bulgaria, it was easy to see some wonderful changes. The people of Pamukchii looked healthy and happy. As our loving Father prepares a heavenly home for us, the earthly homes that have been built help to bring dignity to the people there, and show them the love of the Father. Our time of worship, prayer and encouragement was sweet, and the children were delighted with the treats we had brought for them. It’s possible they enjoyed the bananas most of all! We played over/under with beach balls and the smallest little boy couldn’t put the ball between his legs, so the boy behind him in line pushed, and the boy in front of him pulled, but he was too small. All the kids started laughing, with the little guy laughing the hardest. Very sweet. It was very exciting to see the electric substation which is starting to be connected and will provide electricity to all fourteen homes there.

We also worshipped at the church in Yastrebevo on Sunday, and it was wonderful to visit with people we have known now for so many years. We’ve seen prayers for healing answered, children grow up, and the whole community lifted.
Because the children of Yastrebevo continue to get educated, they are able to now find jobs. Some of them are working outside of the country, and while we would like to see them staying in the community, we are grateful they are working.

The highlight was reuniting with Gopi and Raina and their girls, our partners in ministry there, and hearing all that God was doing. Anyone who knows them loves them, and prayers are always appreciated for the work that God is doing here.


Pamukchii families and homes

Yastrebevo church

  1. May 17, 2024

    Praise God for His children in Yastrebevo! It is a blessing to hear of them and to see their faces. We are one in the body of Christ though across the ocean.

  2. May 17, 2024

    It’s wonderful to hear the updates from Bulgaria. It’s great to see the children smiling and having a good time and the work that has been done by the Macedonian outreach is truly a gift from God. Hello to Remi and Gopi and my sister Vula.

  3. May 17, 2024

    Christine! I love that you are there, thanks for this write up. Blessings on your time.

  4. May 17, 2024

    I really enjoy these updates and seeing the progress the community has made. Thank God for his provision

  5. God has surely been at work in Bulgaria with the help of people like you Chistine and so many others. It is amazing to see the changes in Yastrebevo since we were there many years ago. Greetings and love to Remi and Gobi.

  6. May 17, 2024

    You haven’t aged since I met you 20 years ago. God has blessed you and what you do. I am blessed for knowing you

  7. May 18, 2024

    God is good! So exciting that the community is progressing with the substation, families and spiritual growth!

  8. May 18, 2024

    May 18

    Dear Vula and Friends,

    It’s a pleasure and a blessing to see you enjoying

    each others company.

    May our dear Father help you stay heathy and strong.


  9. May 20, 2024

    Vula, what a beautiful gift from God you are to everyone you touch. You and Haig began an incredible mission there and your family’s involvement is just awesome! May God continue to bless you all and those you serve.

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