As we celebrate Christmas, I am wishing all of you a blessed Christmas but at the same time I am reminded of the rest of the story! Jesus came and lived among people for 33 years and then He paid the ultimate sacrifice! He gave His life by dying on the cross for all of us. However, praise His name, He was resurrected on the 3rd day. He died so that whoever believes in Him will never die but have everlasting life. I am so grateful for this eternal gift. The Macedonian Outreach, for the last 34 years has pledged to bring this truth to many that do not know Him. This Christmas I am praying for all of us to boldly tell HIS whole story to those that have not as yet heard. Have a blessed Christmas!
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Dee Thompson
December 23, 2023
Love this! I already commented on your Facebook…
Merry Christmas Everyone!
Dee and Terry
December 23, 2023
Such a beautiful and true message for all to read! And wishing Vula and all who Jesus thru MAC Ministry Avery blessed Christmas and Happy New Year, because He lives – even in this crazy, mixed up world!
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Sharon Alexander
December 23, 2023
The baby Jesus who is the King of Kings! May God bless all those who support this ministry. Merry Christmas, Vula!
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