The hardest part of these days is the drive away from the village— we can drive away in our safe cars, to our clean homes, with four solid walls and a roof over our heads, with a full pantry of food, multiple pairs of clothes, to fresh water, supportive parents… the list goes on. It breaks my heart to see the conditions in which a human can survive— it shouldn’t be this way. Cigarette butts fill the ground, and trash as well— bottles, wrappers, and paper. This is where the children are told to play, this little gazebo is filled with trash. Mere feet away from this gazebo are two large dumpsters, yet the villagers still leave the trash on the ground. My heart breaks, I just want to pick up every little piece of trash and make the space clean and safe for these kids to play. I don’t even know if words can sum up what it was like to be here.
We handed out dresses for the girls and snacks for everyone. The older boys helped pass out snacks as I passed out dresses. Each girl smiled as I offered her a bright-colored dress and tucked it under her arm— her hands were full of the snacks we’d given them, chocolate, crackers, and cookies.
Again, I cannot articulate what it’s like to witness this— you have to see it, and you need to let it move you. Here, the kids have a couple of pairs of clothes— maybe. I pray that each dress given to each girl will be worn until she grows too tall for it and then it is passed down to the next girl. I pray that the shoes we’ve sent over stay on their little feet and see hours and hours of games and adventures until the soles are worn. I pray that they have the bare necessities to grow safely.
My eyes, as well as heart, have been opened today by my time in Skopje. I will remember the smiling faces of these kids, excited to talk to us in broken English and the silent language of gestures and smiles. I hope to return for longer next time. The hardest part of the day is the drive away— praying and praying that a couple of hours spent with these kids was enough to share the radical love of Christ with them.

The Village of Saraj, on the western outskirts of Skopje, North Macedonia

New dress!

Snacks after story time— older boys love to help

The kids listening to Florence give the Bible story for the day.
Gary Wallace
June 30, 2023
Great Message, Thank you!
Martha Smyser
June 30, 2023
Dear Annette,
I really enjoy reading your comments on your time with Vula in Greece. Thank you for all you are doing.
Pat McCoy
June 30, 2023
Thank you for this heart rendering message of the happiness you brought to the children of Sarah along with the sadness and helplessness you are feeling for the children of the village of Sarah. May the Lord continue to bless you richly in all you do for the people you see. May He continue to work His wonders through you and the team of others that join you. May He give you extra measures of strength and perseverance to continue this work He has set out for you to do. May He provide for all your needs and keep you in good health. In the loving name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen.
Diane Bishop
June 30, 2023
A heartwarming and also a heartbreaking story. Bless you for being Jesus to these precious ones.
May God bless your efforts.
Nancy Bircher
July 1, 2023
My heart goes out to these little ones. Thank you for sharing with us and letting them know Jesus loves them and is always with them. Prayers that the Lord keep them safe and healthy.
Lyn Kern
July 2, 2023
Thank you for the update Annette. I have been there many times and I could feel your prayers and heartache for the children of Saraj.
It was nice to see updated pictures.
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