To: The Board of Directors, The Macedonian Outreach
From: local Pastors Gopi and Reni
We would like to share with you good news about things we have been praying about for years. This year, for the first time since the beginning of the child sponsorship program in Yastrebovo, we have a graduate who was accepted at the Technical University in Gabrovo, majoring in engineering. We are extremely happy to see the fruits of so many years of work, and we hope that other children will follow his example.
Let’s meet this young man, Theodor Bonchev:
My name is Theodor Bonchev. I have been living in the village of Yastrebovo since I was born. I live with my family in a small house. The first years of my education I was studying in the school in the village of Opan (close to Yastrebovo). This year I graduated from a professional High school of Electronics in the city of Stara Zagora. I will continue my education at the Technical University in Gabrovo with a degree in Engineering.
For all of those years you have supported me in so many ways – not only financially, but also I could feel your spiritual support. For me, that was so important that there are people who believe that I can be a better person, a better student, a better Christian. Your support helped me not just to have a breakfast and lunch in school, but also you helped me to see myself through God’s eyes.
I would like to say “Thank you” so much for your support (financial and spiritual), for your commitment not only for me, but also for so many children in the village of Yastrebovo. For these years you never gave up on me, even when I was not such a good student. Today my eyes are open and I can see more clearly how important education is and how blessed am I to know you. I hope one day that God will use me to be a blessing to other people who are in need and I will be a good example for the rest of the children in Yastrebovo.
With respect and love,

Theodor with his diploma

Theodor in front of Technical University
Kerri Perdew
August 21, 2020
Oh my word!!! Thank you Lord! This is so exciting!! Congrats Theodor!!
Pat McCoy
August 21, 2020
Praising and thanking God for those many loyal and God Loving people who are ministering in towns like Yastrebovo. The fruits of their labor are not lost. Thank you all for your work. Good luck Theodore. May God bless you richly and provide for all your needs.
Kolisa Larue
August 21, 2020
This was such an uplifting story to read, and encouraging to see the long term, sustaining fruits of love in Theodore’s life. I’m sure Jesus is smiling, I know I am! Bless all who have helped this young man on his journey. What a beautiful example!
Kolisa Larue
August 21, 2020
What an encouraging and beautiful example of the fruits of love and prayer! Congratulations and keep going, Theodore!
Raina Koleva
August 22, 2020
We are so proud of Theodor.
May God give him wisdom to continue his education.
Joan N Kramer
September 5, 2020
WOW…Praise God…what a tribute to a hard working young man (and good looking too), his community of Yesterboro, and the blessing of Macedonia Outreach…to accomplish such an incredible goal. We thank God for gifting him with the tenacity to stay on course and to reach the goal God set in His heart!
Thank you for sharing this wonderful news and blessing with us. May his life be an encouragement to his friends and family in Yesterboro and for others to know they can do this also. I am sure Theodor will be glad to share his “Godly formula”
Keith W. Brown
December 29, 2020
Wonderful news!
Bill Donohue
January 26, 2021
This is just the beginning! Congratulations to Theodor and thank you, MO.
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