Dear Family and Friends:
I praise God that He, in His mercy, allowed me to come once more to serve Him in the Balkans.
I am so thankful to Him that once again Tory Rath traveled with me to make sure that I made it here safely and helped me every step of the way. So far Theresa Po, Mike Cooper and Teri Flynn have come and joined me as well. They have been of great help and brought much joy to everyone and especially to the children!
We made two trips to Bulgaria already where we distributed food, saw some of our kids and saw all of our partners in the work there! Our hearts overflow with joy in seeing all the wonderful things God continues to do in all of their lives and the lives of those they serve.
Within Greece we have visited many and rejoiced in seeing each other again. Visited the Refugee Center in Thessaloniki and fellowshipped in our local Evangelical church of Katerini and the village of Mylotopos.
Please continue to pray for the work of The Macedonian Outreach. Lots of work but our Lord is bigger still and loves His people here just the same as He does at home.
I continue to pray for all of you.
In His love, Vula

Distribution of food in Pammuchi!

Some of our precious children in Yastrebovo!

In the church of Mylotopos with some new Syrian refugees!

Teri praying at the site of a future new church!

Theresa with some of the children in Yastrebovo!
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