On Sunday, July the 2nd, we celebrated God’s faithfulness by dedicating the new church in Yastrebovo. The first Christian church in this town ever! It was such a praise to God! We cried from joy, laughed, sang and prayed!
Gopi finally got the cross and the bell in the new church. Eventually I will send you a video so you can hear the bell. There were ten Americans and one Greek pastor among those that came to celebrate. We had about 130 people. 50 percent of the town! What a glory to God. All this He did through prayer and generous giving by some very generous people!
Praise God that 17 years ago he brought us together with Gopi and eventually Reni through our American missionaries, Keth and Margie Brown. What a dedicated couple serving in Bulgaria for 20+ years.

Elaina with her sisters and friends raised over $600 to buy food for a very poor ghetto where people still live in chicken coops!

This was a day of hard work but the joy on the people’s faces made it all worth it!

Gopi and his wife Reni. What a blessed dedicated couple!


Jim and Pantelis did the dedication service!

Keith and Margie
July 10, 2017
Congrats on the church dedication to everyone in Yasterobovo, & especially Gope and Raina.
Doug Thompson
July 10, 2017
Dear friend,
Thank you for sharing this exciting blog with us. Bless you for your faithfulness over so many years. We love you very much! Doug and Ruth Ann
Lyn Kern
July 10, 2017
Such a joyful celebration.
Barbara Butlin
July 10, 2017
Praise God for His love and faithfulness! Praise Him for the tireless work of His saints!
With joy in my heart,
Barbara Butlin
George Kefalas
July 10, 2017
Dear Voula, we share your joy and praise the Lord our God for His faithfulness and for His loving people. AND for your dedication and vision. May the Lord continue to give you strength and good health. Love from George & Anna
July 10, 2017
Joy, Hallelujah! Vula – your devotion bears much fruit. Glad to see that all you and Haig and your team have done over the many years still brings so much joy and hope around the globe and it just keeps multiplying!
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