Hello, everyone:
Our dear friends Robert and Annie Ching from Gilead Chinese church in San Ramon, joined me once again for the seventh year and we did VBS in three different places and all with Roma children.
The first group were the children of our Roma church in Thessaloniki. Dr. John and his wife Katerina, from the Greek Evangelical Church in Thessaloniki, have been serving at this church for years. The needs are great but the people and especially the children are very happy!
This group of Roma is by far the poorest and they live next to the city dumps. Among them there are some very strong believers and especially men which is unusual. It’s usually the women who are more faithful among them.

Robert and Annie Ching

The Christian Roma Church of Thessaloniki

Some of our little girls listening intently.

Their homes which look good until it rains!

Annie teaching on Noah’s Ark

Snack time! Banana is a great treat for these kids! Then chocolate filled croissants. Yum!!!
May 30, 2017
Great to hear fron you!
Glad the programs went well.
Keith & Margie Brown
May 31, 2017
Way to go, Vula and MO! You all do much to serve the Living Water here in the Balkan peninsula. May God richly bless each of you for serving Him here. Great will be your reward in heaven.
Patricia Veith
May 30, 2017
I am praying for you. How wonderful that you can teach these children about how much the Lord loves them.
Isaac David
May 30, 2017
Hi Yaya its me Isaac. I wish we were with you and the Roma children at VBS. I miss you,Isaac
May 31, 2017
Well, Isaac I am sorry you are not here too but maybe next year. Mrs. Ching is a very interesting teacher!
Dianne Siegrist
May 30, 2017
God bless you and the wonderful work you are doing…..thanking God for you loving these precious children
Mary Rodde
May 30, 2017
Bless you Vula and the Chings!! What a wonderful way to show God’s love to those less fortunate!!!
Karen Cannariato
May 30, 2017
Thank you for your faithfulness to the Lord and for all of the love that you have to give Everyone is blessed by you, Vula.
Paul and Karen
Kathleen Gorvad
May 31, 2017
Oh, Vula . . .
What a blessing to see what is going on with you and the children. The fields seem so ready for the harvest. Very exciting! May God bless your work of love as you share His love with so many.
Karen Jones
May 31, 2017
Vula, I love seeing you and others who love the Lord in action! I am praying you are touching lives…
Love, Karen
Pat McCoy
May 31, 2017
Praising and thanking God for the gift of you not only to we here at CPC Danville but more especially for the Roma children and all others whom you touch with the Love of Christ. May our Lord continue to use you in His mighty way. Love you, Vula, and all who are with you.
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