I would love to share with all of you a story that filled my heart with so much joy. I hope by now all of you know how much I love the Roma (Gypsy) people. As the Lord would have it, a young woman whom we sponsor for the second year at the Bible School in Athens, has the same love for the Roma like me. A coincidence? I don’t think so! God chose to give me a special gift today. Here is Despina’s story!
Dear brothers and sisters of the Macedonian Outreach,

Bible study in Kalamata

Bible lesson with the kids in Kalamata
I am very thankful that you are supporting me in what God is doing in my life.
Last year it was a very blessed year for me, as I had the opportunity to go to the Bible College in Athens. I also met Christos this year, and we got married in September. So now, the two of us, are in our second year of our bible studies.
God has put a great love for the Roma people (Gypsies) in my heart the last few years. I have had the possibility to be part of a team, that has developed a very good relationship with some Roma families in Kalamata. In this second year now, the Team has reached the point of having every second week a bible study in their houses.
There is also a new established community center in Athens, next to a gypsy camp. Its goal is to motivate the community to go to school and give some basic educational help, as most of the people there are illiterate. With two co-students, we are now trying to develop some extra classes to invest in one to one lessons with the children that are going to school and need help to keep up.
I had the chance to meet some Roma believers in Athens and visited a conference of Roma people in the winter, to get to know their culture better. It was great to see them how they worship and pray to God!
God’s spirit is working very much in the Roma community! I believe very strongly in the unity of the body of Christ and my desire is to see more and more cooperation among all the workers involved in this kind of ministry.
Please, pray for:
1. Our studies in the Greek Bible School
2. More workers that are willing to spread the seed, as there are many doors
opening in Roma-families.
3. More cooperation among churches and organizations for a better allover
ministry to this special group people
Me and my husband are very grateful for your support and we appreciate your prayers.
Blessings in Christ,
Despina Matsiou
Gary C Wallace
March 19, 2017
Vula, thank you for sharing your love. Your acceptance and living out of the Great Commission is a shining example for me. There is no greater love. GCW
March 21, 2017
Gary, thank you. When we first took on the sponsorship of this girl at the Bible College, I had no idea of her love for Gypsies. BUT GOD…… HE KNEW! And He gave me a special gift!
Thank you for standing by me, you and Debi and for believing in me. I am sure this makes Haig very happy too.
My love to both of you. Vula
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